973K Steel Mill | Peterson CAT
Track Roller Guard, Steel Mill Arrangement Final Drive Abrasion Guard; Note: A Partial Steel Mill package is available for Cat® 953K and 963K Track Loader models. The base package offers specialized seals and guarding, as well as machine features to allow dealer upgrades to your track loader for work in high-temperature conditions.

Cat 973K Track Loader - Steel Mill Configuration
Track Roller Guard, Steel Mill Arrangement Final Drive Abrasion Guard; Note: A Partial Steel Mill package is available for Cat® 953K and 963K Track Loader models. The base package offers specialized seals and guarding, as well as machine features to allow dealer upgrades to your track loader for work in high-temperature conditions.

Cat® 973 Steel Mill Track Loader Handles the Heat - YouTube
Dec 18, 2017 · http://bit.ly/2kf5K9U The Cat® 973 Steel Mill Track Loader can take the heat! Watch this purpose-built crawler loader load, spread and dump white hot slag wi...

Specalog for 973D Steel Mill Arrangement, AEHQ6071-01
Title: Specalog for 973D Steel Mill Arrangement, AEHQ6071-01 Author: Caterpillar, Inc. Subject: 973D Steel Mill Arrangement, AEHQ6071-01 Keywords

973K Track Loader - Steel Mill Configuration | Ohio Cat ...
973K Track Loader – Steel Mill Configuration Factory designed and installed features equip your track loader for the extreme heat and harsh conditions of steel mill work. Maneuverability, visibility and the breakout force needed for fast cycle times make crawler loaders a …

973K Track Loader - Steel Mill Configuration Page | Cavpower
Steel Mill Cab No Product Link No Bumper 3.0 m3 (4.0 yd3) Slag Bucket Heavy Duty Bumper Counterweight; EQUIPMENT - Recommended Options: Track Roller Guard, Steel Mill Arrangement Final Drive Abrasion Guard; Note: A Partial Steel Mill package is available for Cat® 953K and 963K Track Loader models.

Cat® 973D Waste Handler Track-Type Loader | Steel Mill ...
Dec 10, 2010 · This video showcases the Cat® 973D Waste Handler Track-Type Loader in a steel mill application. The 973D is factory built for the most challenging conditions...

973K Track Loader | Cat | Caterpillar
Factory-designed and installed features equip your 973 track loader for the extreme heat and harsh conditions of steel mill work. Maneuverability, visibility and the breakout force needed for fast cycle times make crawler loaders a rugged and efficient choice for handling slag.

CATERPILLAR 963 For Sale - 271 Listings | MachineryTrader ...
inspection completed @ 5682 anti-theft system backhoe ce plate demolition arrangement epa label hand and foot control steel mill arrangement ultra low sulfur diesel fuel waste arrangement groenveld autogreaser wheel chocks with holders load rite scales and printer reverse camera li...

United Steelworkers
The USW is 1.2 million working and retired members throughout the United States, Canada and the Caribbean, working together to improve our jobs; to build a better future for our families; and to promote fairness, justice and equality.

steel mill arrangement - Model Railroader Magazine - Model ...
When the Walthers steel mill kits became available, I "reluctantly", did away with, a town, turn table and roundhouse, to make way for the 5x6 area required by the compressed steel mill basics. Bob Hahn Photo of layout prior to doing away with the turntable and round house.

New 973K Track Loader For Sale | Fabick Cat
Operating Weight - Steel Mill 74293lb Operating Weight 63900lb Operating Weight - Wide Gauge 71218lb Note (1) Subtract approximately 295 kg / 650 lb for machines not equipped with Tier 4 Final/Stage V emissions reduction technology.

973K - ncmachinery.com
N C Machinery is the authorized Caterpillar® Dealer for Alaska and western/central Washington. Operating under the names N C Machinery, N C Power Systems, and N C The Cat Rental Store, N C offers Caterpillar® and other preferred brand equipment and power systems sales, parts, service and rentals. With the broadest heavy equipment, attachment, and engine/generator lines, unrivaled parts ...

New 973K Track Loader | Louisiana Cat
Factory-designed and installed features equip your 973 track loader for the extreme heat and harsh conditions of steel mill work. Maneuverability, visibility and the breakout force needed for fast cycle times make crawler loaders a rugged and efficient choice for handling slag.

Boyd CAT | New 973K Track Loader for Sale - Boyd CAT
CATERPILLAR 973 D . 2016, 7232 Hours More Details. $36,000. CATERPILLAR 953C 2004, 12109 Hours More Details. $190,000. CATERPILLAR 963 K ... Steel Mill 74293lb Operating Weight - Waste Handler 64319lb Operating Weight - Wide Gauge 71218lb Note (1) ...

Large Wheel Loaders | H-CPC
990K Steel Mill Arrangement — 699 HP 521 kW — 204693 lb 92848 kg: 8.6-9.2 m3 (11.2-12.0 yd3) 992K — 814 HP 607 kW — 220089 lb 99831 kg: 10.7-12.3 m3 (14-16 yd3) 993K — 973 HP 726 kW

973K Track Loader For Sale | Wheeler Machinery Co.
Operating Weight - Steel Mill 74293lb Operating Weight - Wide Gauge 71218lb Buckets Capacity - General Purpose 4.2yd3 Capacity - Performance Series 5yd³ Capacity – Multi-Purpose 4.0yd3 Width - General Purpose 117in Width - Performance Series 117in Width - Multi-Purpose 116in Width – Performance Series 117in Capacity - General Purpose 4.2yd³

988K Steel Mill Arrangement - STET | CAT
988K Steel Mill Arrangement - Wheel Loaders. Cat Large Wheel Loaders are designed with durability built in, ensuring maximum availability through multiple life cycles. With optimized performance and simplified serviceability, our machines allow you to move more material efficiently and safely at …

New 973K Track Loader for Sale | H.O. Penn
Factory-designed and installed features equip your 973 track loader for the extreme heat and harsh conditions of steel mill work. Maneuverability, visibility and the breakout force needed for fast cycle times make crawler loaders a rugged and efficient choice for handling slag.