Arizona Mines For Sale - MineListings.com
Complete List of Claims, Mineral Properties, Deposits & Mining Projects For Sale in Arizona . Lease, Option, & Joint Venture Available.

Mine Finder Gold Arizona Mining Claims For Sale …
Mine Finder Gold has some of the best Mining Claims available to purchase in Arizona. Our Founder, Steve Karolyi uses his experience as a paid contractor for the big mining companies to do what he does best. Locate minerals. We use all available resources to locate a mineralized open area before sending our surveyor to the site to collect samples. Once a valid mineral discovery is proven we put the stakes …

ArizonaMiningClaims.com | Gold Mining Claims …
Arizonas Great Gold Mining Claims and Great times! Gold prospecting, Metal detecting, Nuggets, For sale, AZ. HOME. ABOUT US. TESTIMONIALS. CONTACT. MORE. More. WHAT WILL YOU DISCOVER? WELCOME TO. For over 12 years it has been our mission to work with people and companies to find the best gold mining claim and mine sites that suits their needs, from the …

Gold Mining Claims in Arizona For Sale | View Our …
We offer gold mining claims in Arizona for sale. View our list of the gold mining claims we have for sale here in Arizona. Dont hesitate to give us a call at 928-499-7228 if you have questions about a claim that interests you.

4 Arizona gold and silver mines for sale
GoldAndSilverMines.com lists choice proven mining and mineral properties for sale worldwide. We specialize in gold mines, silver mines, copper mines, and a wide variety of industrial minerals as well. It is our desire to assist both buyers and sellers to secure a deal that makes everyone happy. Buy, Sell, Lease, or Browse. Ajax Mine Group #L1195: located in Arizona-• 10 contiguous unpatented ...

Arizona Operating Gold Mine - MineListings.com
This operating Gold mine is in the heart of Arizona’s gold producing region immediately downstream from an historic Rich Hill site remembered for an abundance of enormous alluvial nuggets found on and near the surface. The same material has washed downstream through the length of the subject 80-acre property. Gold bearing material fills a V-shaped depression 60’ deep at the upper end and ...

Prescott Arizona Gold Mine for Sale
GoldAndSilverMines.com lists choice proven mining and mineral properties for sale worldwide. We specialize in gold mines, silver mines, copper mines, and a wide variety of industrial minerals as well. It is our desire to assist both buyers and sellers to secure a deal that makes everyone happy. Buy, Sell, Lease, or Browse. Badger Mine #L1965. Prescott, Arizona-• Unpatented Lode Mining Claim ...

PROSPECTORS PARADISE 40 Acre Placer Gold Mining Claim For Sale Near Rich Hill and Octave, Arizona. Information, Maps, Pictures. HOME. ABOUT US. TESTIMONIALS. CONTACT. MORE. More. PROSPECTORS PARADISE. $89,000. SE1/4 SE1/4 SEC. 8 T9N R4W, GSRB&M, Arizona. AMC396028 Approximately 40 total Acres located in Octave, Arizona . The Prospectors Paradise Placer Mine …

Quality Arizona Gold Claims For Sale! - Lynch …
Quality Arizona Gold Claims For Sale! Visit our friends at minefindergold.com for more information on purchasing your next Arizona gold claim. HAPPY PROSPECTING!™ Available Claims . Lynch Mining, LLC. PO Box BO4 , Higley, AZ, 85236. 877 865 7449 [email protected]. Hours. Mon Open. Tue Open. Wed Open. Thu Open. Fri Open. Sat Open. Sun Open. SIGN UP FOR DISCOUNT OFFERS! …

Home - Gold Mines For Sale
The Silvia is north of Oriental Wash which is a well known placer gold area. Mines in this area are known for high grade silver at the surface and gold at depth. Get More Details. Sold. DIVIDEND / GOLD DUST MINE . Location: Esmeralda County, Nevada Size: 20.66 acres Type: Lode Price: $5,000 . The DP1 claim consists of one (1) unpatented lode mining claim, covering 20.66 acres, on federal land ...

Gold Rush Expeditions - Mining Claims for Sale - …
Gold Rush Expeditions has become somewhat like family to me. I view their offers each Saturday. A few months ago I purchased an offer and have been very pleased with Gre’s sales process and the mine. It is likely I will make more claim purchases. I am an old prospector and Gre makes the whole process of searching for noble metals and then ...

You Might Strike Gold at This Historic Mine, but …
There is likely still gold in the 25 miles of tunnels under this property for sale in Arizonas gold-mining district, but according to legend, the mine is haunted by the "Blue Devil of Octave." This skinny, 266-acre property in Arizona is not much to see from above ground: cacti, dirt and an off-the-grid 2-bedroom manufactured home, two hours from anywhere.

Victoria Gold Mines - 6 Patented Mining Claims, …
Victoria Gold Mines - 6 Patented Mining Claims, Oatman, Mohave County, AZ 86433. For Sale ShareLink Copied Map. 91.58 Acres Just Off Historic Rt 66. 6 Patented Mining Claims. Between Oatman and Topock . 1/2 mile E of Otaman Highway. Access Rd Across Street From This Marker. Plat Map. Survey May 2006. T18N R20W S10 91.58 ac mining land. 225-08-004 and 006. Mining Land Aerial - …

80 acres, Aguila, AZ, Property ID: 686283 | Land …
Arizona is just a great, scenic state, where the spirit of the old west still lives on, and we have been coming here for many years. _____ This is a 80 acre unpatented, gold mining claim, the Big Horn Gold #1 placer claim. The claim is legally registered with the Bureau of Land Management out of Phoenix. You own the mineral rights, not sharing ...

The Best Gold Mining in Arizona: A County-by …
An Overview of Gold Mining in Arizona. Arizona is one of the most popular state in the US for gold prospecting. The gold deposits are also very widespread. With the exception of a few counties, generally there are good amounts of gold throughout the entire state. …

Properties | Classifieds | ICMJ Prospecting & …
Gold Mining & Rock Hounding 365 days a year in Arizona Good Access Gold Mining Claims for sale an hour from Phoenix and Prescott in the Weaver Mountains near Wickenburg, Congress, Stanton, and Yarnell. From casual prospecting up to commercial mining operations. Credit Cards Accepted. Call (928)HAS-GOLD (928)427-4653 www.ArizonaMiningClaims.com ...

property listings | goldproperties4sale
Mining claims for sale, Gold mines for sale! THE LAWMEN CLAIM GROUP!! New claims located in the Florence Basin. Eve Lode #22. 20 acres. This is a very fine gold property with great access to a rich gulch located on the claim. We can find gold on this claim right now. It has a nice meadow and great camping areas. $7,000.00 FINANCED!! Eve lode 22. 1/4. P8090206.JPG. 1/5. Eve Lode #35 20 acres ...

Gold Mining Claim for sale | eBay
Gold mining claims and gold mines for sale can be found throughout most of the US west, including California, Colorado, Nevada, and Montana. You can also find gold mine claims in Alaska. The weather around California gold claims for sale may arguably be most suitable for the longest period of mining each year. In addition to weather, accessibility is another key factor of a prospective gold ...